Reliable, insightful & capable. Chartered Accountant-Business Valuation Specialist with vast experience working with business owners, I focus on what matters most - trusted conversations & agile growth strategies.
Wayne's special interest areas are business & taxation advisory, business valuations and exit planning. Having developed the online product Finverso, the assessment of financial performance for any business has been made easier together with smarter indicative valuations. Finverso's unrivalled financial analysis index allows you to understand if your Company's value is Growing, Slowing (or Gone!). Wayne and his team of qualified advisors can pinpoint financial stress points, facilitate correcting strategies, and facilitate growth in business value.
Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia+New Zealand (CA ANZ), Wayne holds a Bachelor of Financial Administration degree, and is a Registered Tax Agent. Wayne has decades of experience helping all types of organisations succeed, from big to not-so-big. He is a member of CA ANZ's business valuation and sustainability special interest groups.
Wayne's main interests outside of work are family, travel, live theatre, movies, riding the Cannondale when in Sydney and the Specialized Roubaix in Tamworth; followed by the obligatory
Principal: WA Lockhart FCA, Business Valuation Specialist Copyright LOCKHART Business Advisors © 2025
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